Injury & Incident Reports

Here are some guidelines to adhere to:

Any time a player receives medical attention for a hockey related injury, the family should notify the coach as soon as possible.

Any time a child is hurt, even without lasting pain, or has a severe behavioral issue occur, or is removed from a team activity by a Coach, at least one parent must be informed as soon as possible.

Any time a player is injured to any degree during a team activity and then goes to the doctor due to the injury, regardless of the extent, the player is not allowed to then participate in any subsequent physical activity of the team without a written note from the doctor (no e-mails) stating he/she is “cleared to participate in ice hockey”, no exceptions. This is a large liability for the Club if not followed thoroughly, aside from the more important fact of possible further injury for the player.

Any incident involving the USAH and RRHC SafeSport possible violations should be reported as well.

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